Support & Maintenance

At Ana Doma, we will target a 99,9% uptime excluding any permitted outages and maintenance. 

As a part of your agreement with Ana Doma you are provided with personal customer support assistance every weekday Monday to Friday during business hours, 8 am – 5 pm.  
All support inquiries have to be sent by email to in order to be covered by our support. A support ticket is created and will be handled by the principle “first come first served”.

All inquiries sent to can usually expect a response from a qualified technician within 24 hours. A qualified technician will have looked into your support inquiry and will give their answer to what would be the issue and how it can be solved. We cannot guarantee that all inquiries will be solved within the first 24 hours, but we will try our best to give you an idea of what can be the issue and if needed, a timeframe of when you can expect your inquiry to be fully solved. 

If we are to expect delays with DNS or IT services,  due to maintenance, downtime etc. you will be informed by email. 

Ana Doma cannot be held responsible for any third-party vendor downtime or downtime created by the customer or representative of the customer. 

For more information in regards to support and service level agreements please send an email to